The Power of Authenticity as a Therapist: Showing up with your Whole Self.

The truth is- no one likes to open their emotional self to a robot….Or a brick wall for that matter. We, as therapists, are SO much more than a… “uh, huh..and how does that make you feel?” I cringe when I hear people say: “I don’t think my therapist really cares..” or “My therapist doesn’t […]
Lessons on Authenticity from The Lindworm

Authenticity is a theme that every person who has existed, or will exist, has struggled with in their lives. It is a fickle thing and sometimes feels prone to shifting and changing. What is our authentic self? Who is our authentic self? How do I even find what it means to be authentic? People throughout […]
Seasonal support from four legs: How can animals be supportive when seasonal depression kicks in?

In recent years, the pandemic has placed a precedence on family time, mental health, and rethinking how we care for ourselves. With an increased awareness of factors impacting mental health, most people notice they are also affected when the seasons change – some would describe this as “going into a funk.” This is known as […]
How to Understand Emotions in Your Partner Relationship

“Love me when I least deserve it, because that’s when I really need it.” – Swedish Proverb I absolutely love that quote. Out of all the wise quotes I have seen, this is right up there with the fortune cookie fortune that I have on my refrigerator which reads, “There is no greater kindness than […]
Sweet Emotion

Just to do a quick recap, We’ve discussed this DBT concept of the Wise Mind as a decision-making process that helps you to make a decision that best aligns with your values. We briefly went over the necessity of having balance between emotion and reason and we also delved deeper into the strengths and challenges […]
Battle of the Thoughts

So many of my sessions begin by catching up on what has happened in the last week or two for my clients. During this time, they discuss the events of those previous weeks. Also, the emotions and thoughts that have occurred for them during the week in relation to the events that unfolded. My clients […]
Mom Guilt

What is Mom Guilt? From the moment I realized I was pregnant; I knew my life had changed. If someone had explained to me how deeply he would change my world, I could not have fully understood this change. Something we usually hear about is the bond that a mother and child have. Holding your […]
Is your internal monologue holding you back?

We talk to ourselves all day long. This is our internal monologue. We debate with ourselves about eating another eggroll, or drinking another cup of coffee, or how to respond to an email. Regardless of the topic, we hear our voice running through our head. That voice isn’t a signifier for any mental health issues. […]
A Sense of Poise and Rationality

The Wise Mind So previously we’ve talked about the concept of the Wise Mind, which is a way of making decisions using the whole story. It helps us to guide our thought processes with what is, ideally, the perfect mixture of logic and emotion, or as we will call them, Rational Mind and Emotional Mind. […]
Space and Grace

What is it? Any client of mine has probably heard me say this phrase. This is something I use in my therapy sessions with clients, but also with myself. To me, this phrase means to give yourself space to feel and think about what you are experiencing. And, to give yourself grace if you are […]