What’s Your Outlet?

What is yours? We all have one, so what’s yours?  An outlet is something that you plug into to help download the stress that you are feeling. It may also help energize you when you are feeling flat.  In essence, it is a way to connect or disconnect. When I refer to an outlet, I […]

Wise Men Say Only Fools Rush In

As I have mentioned before, when Dr. Marsha Linehan created DBT as a therapeutic technique, she designed it so the concept of mindfulness serves as the foundation of DBT. The reason for this is that it sets the stage for many of the other concepts, techniques, and coping strategies that DBT teaches. This leads me […]

How I use unconditional positive regard

The concept of unconditional positive regard can be explained in this quote. “As we develop our therapeutic relationship, you will come to know that this space is reserved for you to be your authentic self, without judgment from an outside source, without pressure to be someone you are not.” This is something I make sure […]

Hanging by a Moment: Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

As I mentioned before, the foundation of DBT is really this concept of “mindfulness,” which has really made its way to the forefront of popular psychology. Because of this, there are a lot of different definitions and views surrounding the concept. For many, the word is likely associated with the idea of meditation. And for […]

Step by Step: Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

In my previous post, I mentioned a type of therapeutic style called Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (affectionately called DBT for short, so let’s go with that). But what exactly is it? Well, brevity isn’t exactly my strong suit, so let’s start at the beginning. DBT was first brought into the realm of mainstream therapy in the […]

Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence: Implications for What We Do in Our Lives

As humans, we use the world around us as a compass to direct ourselves. There are many different levels at which we look to those around us and the environment to make our decisions while also balancing the internal thoughts, emotions, and urges we have. Two key players in our journey are self-esteem & self-confidence. […]

Listening to Your Mind and Body

Something I discuss with clients and loved ones on a frequent basis is the connection between our mind and body. This is something I believe the world is starting to catch on to, and the insight it brings can be truly life-changing. Most people who have experienced mental health symptoms have felt the tightness in […]

I Gotta Feeling

When you think about therapy, you may conjure an image of an old man sporting a goatee and glasses, on a couch in an otherwise normal-looking office space. You may also find yourself with an uncomfortable image of talking with a complete stranger in great detail about minute details from your childhood that you have […]

How to Prioritize Yourself

My journey to take care of myself started after I had my son in 2019. After he was born, I basically lived for him, my husband, and my job. I did not take care of myself in the ways I wanted and needed to, and though this is normal for new parents, I did not […]

Communication and Our Love Languages

I don’t know about you, but I’ve heard the quote “love is an action” a lot in recent years. I did not quite understand what this meant in practice until I stumbled across “The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman. In his book, Chapman expresses the idea that a love language is your preferred way […]