Why Am I so Annoyed?

Ever since the beginning of the stay at home order from the governor, I have found myself becoming much more easily annoyed by other people when I leave the house. What was once a routine trip to the grocery store, has now turned into me baring witness to arguments leading to potential physical aggression between […]
What Is A Crisis, And How Do You Cope During One?

Given our current situation (isolating due to COVID-19), many of us are spending a lot more time at home. Because of this, I need to ask you a few questions. How are you coping? Have you eaten all the ice cream in your house yet? How many other pairs of pants have you worn that […]
Reflections of Your Past

It is no coincidence that the romantic relationships that we find ourselves in trigger us from time to time. When was the last time the person who you are in love with drove you crazy! In addition, do you ever argue about nearly the same topic over and over again without any resolution? Or maybe […]
Stop Doing That! It’s Not As Easy As It Sounds

I like to define addiction as anything that you don’t seem to have control over. A thought, behavior, feeling, etc. Something that seems to control you. This is more than just a habit. Something that you seem compelled to do. Even after feeling remorseful immediately after doing whatever it is that you did, you still […]
How NOT to Command Yourself Through Life

What’s your 5-year plan? When are you getting married? When’s your first (next, third, etc) child? What are your goals in life? When are you going to do/go/buy the next best thing in your life? Really? How many expectations do we really need? We are always striving to be better, faster, bigger, have more, and […]
Compassion Isn’t Enabling. Healthy Ways to Demonstrate Compassion

There once was a scientist named Charles Darwin. He is best known for writing a book entitled, “The Origin of Species.” Well, that’s probably what most people know as the title. The full title is On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle of […]
Why Asking for Help is a Sign of Strength and Cooperation

We still reside in a society where strength is defined by doing things independently. Our society tells us that asking for help is to admit that we are weak. Yet did you know that the human body is home to 37.2 trillion cells? These cells cooperate to form organs. Organs ultimately work together to create […]
Yes, There is an Adolescent Brain: 4 Ways to Help You and Your Adolescent Succeed

There is an adolescent brain, and it is much different than the adult brain. The adult brain has a fully functioning Prefrontal Cortex (PFC). This is the part of the brain that allows adults to access their executive functioning and assess subtle nuances in communication. During adolescence, the PFC is under construction. Adolescents aren’t able […]
The Roller Coaster of Life and 7 Ways to Manage the Ride

Life is full of disappointments, right? There are always going to be things that don’t go the way that you expect them to go. What do you do when things go sideways? What do you do when you have a plan, and things don’t fall into place? These moments make life the roller coaster that […]
Exercise Improves Mood: Evidence and 7 Ways To Be More Active

“A sound mind is in a sound body.” – Greek Proverb Going beyond more than a witty catch phrase, this idea is an important one. It addresses the idea that the mind is the body. Check out my earlier post about this here: Reframing Stress as a State of Mind. [MP1] There is a growing […]