I Gotta Feeling

When you think about therapy, you may conjure an image of an old man sporting a goatee and glasses, on a couch in an otherwise normal-looking office space. You may also find yourself with an uncomfortable image of talking with a complete stranger in great detail about minute details from your childhood that you have […]
How to Prioritize Yourself

My journey to take care of myself started after I had my son in 2019. After he was born, I basically lived for him, my husband, and my job. I did not take care of myself in the ways I wanted and needed to, and though this is normal for new parents, I did not […]
Communication and Our Love Languages

I don’t know about you, but I’ve heard the quote “love is an action” a lot in recent years. I did not quite understand what this meant in practice until I stumbled across “The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman. In his book, Chapman expresses the idea that a love language is your preferred way […]
Worry Me Not

If you are human, it would be fair to say that you have worried once or twice in your life. The last time that you were caught up in it, did it feel good? When you were done, could you objectively look back and honestly say that the process was helpful for you? I have […]
That Pain in Your Neck Might be Tension Myositis Syndrome and How to Cope with It

What is Tension Myositis Syndrome? Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS) is a fancy term for something that you already know and have experienced. TMS is the result of mild oxygen deprivation that is signaled by the autonomic nervous system, resulting in muscle tension and pain somewhere in your body. It is a consequence of a repressed […]
Boundaries and the Butterfly: I Do This Because I Love You

Setting boundaries is one of the hardest things for someone to do. It requires inner strength to watch someone you love struggle. When I think of the topic of boundary setting, I think of a story that you may be familiar with. It involves a man who came across the cocoon of a butterfly. One […]
The Empty Nest

I remember after giving birth to my children the words of wisdom I heard most were “enjoy it, it will go so fast.” At the time of this well-intended advice, I shook my head and thought I am in the throes of parenting, this will never end. The idea also crossed my mind, what could […]
Internal vs. External Validation

Just about 11 months ago, I decided to participate in my first ever 5K with friends and coworkers. I thought to myself, “You know you can walk that far, if you run great, if you don’t, that’s okay too.” I recognized that in that moment I was choosing to do this for myself, not for […]
What is Healthy Competition?

When I grew up, I loved Marvel comic books. I have a lot of childhood memories of going to stores and flea markets buying them with my family. As I grew older, I learned that each comic’s story arc involved a moral lesson. These lessons made a huge impact on me, to the point that […]
Beliefs Are NOT Facts

We are currently living in a world of “alternate facts.” Can someone please define this for me? What is an alternate fact? Isn’t that called an opinion or a perception? I want to make something very clear in this blog. I want to make sure that you are able to define the difference between facts […]