How to Prioritize Yourself in the New Year

Adolescent Brain

How to Prioritize Yourself in the New Year

Let today be the day you give up who you’ve been for who you can become. – Hal Elrod.

New Year, New Me … a phrase that we all hear all too often between the week of Christmas and New Year’s and even after! “Oh, January is my trail run; I’ll start my new goals in February!” So how does one prioritize themselves in the New Year? Here are some wellness tips and tricks to return better than ever in the New Year!

  1. Try to take breaks from social media/electronics for 1-2 days a week (if this is too hard, then unplug for an hour throughout the day)
  2. Stretch, Stretch, STRETCH! Making your body move daily should be one of the ways to get some exercise in for your day; when you are done moving, you can end with a sun salutation and this mantra “Leave all the negative of the day behind and take whatever positive you gained and push through the rest of the day” (open arms like a T, move arms up like a jumping jack, and bring together above the head, press hands together and bring them to the center of your chest)
  3. Laughter! Laughter is the best medicine. Find something to laugh about daily – it can increase your endorphins which stimulate your heart, lungs, and muscles but also increases learning, motivation, and attention levels.
  4. So the first three tips are how we can take a step within ourselves. Most people begin thinking about taking care of themselves through various means of integrative health. So how does one tap into their wellness between the mind-body connection? To name some of the tips are mental health counseling, exercise, and goal setting.
  5. Out with the old and in with the new! Wait, adjust this thinking. We often say out with the old, but we need to notice what is not working from the old and adapt to the new! Why haven’t your resolutions worked before? What did you do differently, and what can you do differently? Ask yourself these questions, reflect on these answers, see what adaptations you can make, and see if you can crush your goals!
  6. When we make goals, we often have the bar set extremely high. Break down those goals into smaller, more attainable goals; you can see the progress you make little by little rather than one significant change!
  7. Lastly, reward yourself! We often forget to give ourselves grace, courage, and respect! Do this tip, when you accomplish something small, permit yourself to have a reward. However, the bonus needs to be of high value to let you know that you did something incredible and that you will be looking for that next high reward*!

*Pro Tip: a high-value reward is something that you only get sometimes, unlike watching TV, reading a book, self-care bath, etc. A high-value reward could be buying yourself something nice (a new purse, new shoes, massage, etc.)

Take care of yourself, and be nice to yourself; you are the only you that you’ve got!
